HORMONES, HUSTLE & LATE NIGHT SWEATS: Creative freelancing & the menopausal experience.
What happens when you bring together creative freelancers and artist to discuss female health and menopause?
How do we feel about the additional challanges that we might face, do we feel empowered or lost, lonely or supported? What have we got to say and what does the situation begin to look when we start sharing experiences and mapping out the landscape for those working outside of traditional employment in the creative sector?
Let me ask you this, did you know that freelancers and artists make up a staggering 989,000 of those working in industry, so we contribute towards a huge percentage of its economic success, and, while I have no doubt that introducing general conversations about menopause and ‘female’ health will positively impact us too; there is a need to talk about the nuances of that when self employed.
How can we advocate for ourselves, what conversations need to be had, what can we celebrate and what do we need?
I decided to begin to explore this, to look at the way we might approach projects differently, how we are managing menpoausal symtoms, who we are speaking to for support and in a world that blurs line between the personal and professional so often, how we are taking care of ourselves.
This isn’t about passing the buck. It’s about creating a space to have vital conversations amongst the many that are taking place. It is about recognising the nuances of freelancing and of our health and carving out the time and energy to look at how we can all contribute towards a better working experience. Commisioners, agencies, industry bodies and us, as the creative workers.
This is a quick blog just linking you to the two linked in articles I wrote about my aims and ambitions for this project, about what I think the problem is and what I hope to do about it. It is also a small selection of just some of the ideas, thoughts and feelings that have been captured thus far within my research.
Welcome to #freethemenopause!
Carli x